#042 What is Your Cabin Range

Welcome back to The Cabincast, Your Getaway Primer Podcast for those with a passion for cabins, rustic decor, the great outdoors, and nights telling tales around the campfire.

In the 42nd episode, Kristin and Erik share another world-famous Cabin Chat!

The episode kicks off with a note from a listener about the pronunciation and grammar of our slogan. 

They also dive into the cabin “porn” phenomena with an article about the Cabin Porn author as well as a reading from the Cabin Porn book.

We also hear about a cabin building caterpillar, head over to Instagram to see it for yourself!

Kristin concludes the episode by sharing a song from Canaan Smith called “Cabin the Woods.” 

Thank you so much for tuning in to this episode of The Cabincast!


Cabin Porn article: https://www.curbed.com/2021/06/cabin-porn-beaver-brook-for-sale-barryville-zach-klein.html 

Cabin Porn book: https://cabinporn.com 

Cabin building caterpillar: https://www.amusingplanet.com/2016/01/log-house-like-cocoon-of-bagworm-moth.html 

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXTgJWYNHEQ 

The Cabincast is brought to you by Roughing it in Style and White Arrows Home

Website: www.thecabincast.com

Instagram: @thecabincast

Facebook: @thecabincast

Twitter: @thecabincast

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8-bpYom5w7qAoqsCa_T18w

Erik Torgeson

Instagram: @eriktorgy

Website: www.roughingitinstyle.com

Kristin Lenz

Instagram: @whitearrowshome

Website: www.whitearrowshome.com

Share your cabin stories and perfect days at


Produced by Kristin Lenz & Erik Torgeson

Production Assistant: Emma Rose

Edited by: Billy Shane